The study was designed to find out the extent to which the Early Childhood Care Education providers’ adhere to the national minimum standard on Early Childhood Care Education in Owerri Education Zone. A structured questionnaire titled “Early Childhood Care Education Providers Adherence to the National Minimum Standard Questionnaire (ECCEPANMSQ)” was developed by the researcher to guide the study. 51 items were trail-tested on a sample of 16 Caregivers and 4 ECCE providers in 4 ECCE Centres in Okigwe education zone. The data obtained were computed using Crobach Alpha method. This gave an overall score of 0.71. The five research questions were analyzed using mean and Standard Deviation, while the t-test statistics was used to test the null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. An overview of the overall results showed that ECCE providers to a little extent recruit staff in compliance with the national minimum standard on ECCE, ECCE centres were to a little extent supervised in compliance with the national minimum standard on ECCE, ECCE providers to a little extent adhere to the use of instructional materials in compliance with the national minimum standard on ECCE, ECCE providers to a little extent adhere to the provision of environment that promotes quality learning outcomes in compliance with the national minimum standard on ECCE and ECCE providers to a little extent adhere to the protection of children’s health in compliance with the national minimum standard on ECCE. Based on the findings of the study, the researcher recommends among others that; National and State desk officers should embark on regular visitation to ensure that ECC centres are established in compliance with the national minimum standard as prescribed by NERDC. Judging from the findings of the study, limitations of the study were identified and suggestions for further studies were made.
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